Leah has been teaching henna and face painting workshops to private groups and at large conferences since 2005.

She has brought her art and experience to teach at HennaCon, the Face and Body Art International Conference, the Face Painting Body Art Association, and La Fete Body Art Conference.

Small parties are also great learning opportunities!

Having a party for a group of creative, artistic kids ages 10 and up? Consider having a henna party / mini-class! Leah brings henna so everyone can practice drawing with it on paper while she gives them a lesson in the history and practices of henna use around the world. PLUS everyone gets a little special henna design from Leah! This a super-fun, hands-on way to have a henna party that becomes educational and inspiring!

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 Upcoming Henna Classes: 

Saturday, April 5, 2025 :: 1:00p - 3:00p :: Arabic Henna Class:: Hands-on Henna Class for Ages 11 and up :: FREE! — see link HERE for Class Details and Registration :: North Boulder Library, Boulder, CO
